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Q Projects

Creativity and Beauty in one Pot

Check out these beautiful ceramic jars, commissioned by a cosmetic cream business run by a lovely couple who started their home business during COVID.

The jars were designed together with he client and the creative team (the youth and the art counselors).

Over 800 jars have already been produced, and counting….

renovated and expanded Susan’s House

Expansion and renovation of Susan’s House Center in Eilat

Quantum, in partnership with Wohl Legacy, has renovated and expanded Susan’s House in Eilat, in order to accommodate the growing needs of the youth in the area.

Susan’s House has been operational in Eilat  since 2012. Since October 7 there is an additional evacuee population of approximately 80,000 from the south and several thousand from the north some of whom have not yet returned to their homes.

The influx of evacuees ieffectively doubled the city’s population, and many solutions for the youth were needed. Susan’s House rose to the challenge and increased its capacity by adding  50 youth to its program (up from 35), as well as offering much needed respite for  adults who desperately needed some quiet and serenity.
The youth did remarkably well while there, benefiting from the structure and stability, creativity and care that the program offered.

The Center had been in need of renovations for a long time, and thanks to Wohl Legacy’s generous support, a beautiful, expanded Center is now ready for its grand opening on November 3rd.

The Center will also offer art workshops to the community at large, which will benefit everyone for years to come.

Anemones Before the Rain

ceramic anemones are handmade by artists, young and old, and then “planted"

The youth at Quantum's Susan's House Bet Shemesh took part in “Anemones Before the Rain”, a moving project to commemorate our beloved brothers and sisters murdered on October 7th.

ceramic anemones are handmade by artists, young and old, and then “planted"

Tens of thousands of ceramic anemones are handmade by artists, young and old, and then “planted” across the country.

Quantum is humbled and privileged to take part in this beautiful initiative. 

ceramic anemones are handmade by artists, young and old, and then “planted"

We are humbled and privileged to be involved in this moving initiative 

ceramic anemones are handmade by artists, young and old, and then “planted"

Mobile Program

Quantum is pleased to offer an innovative mobile program aimed at reaching young people who live in the South. The mobile unit is being developed in collaboration with Eshkol Sorek Darom and Eshkol Negev Maaravi. The mobile will travel around the negev and reach young people where they are. These youth cannot easily access services due to either lack of transportation or poor motivation. The mobile solution will remove all barriers and offer a practical and accessible solution to the youth who live throughout this part of the Negev.

The mobile will be staffed by professional art therapists from Yahat, a collective of professional art therapists. They will use art to help the youth express themselves and deal with the impact of the trauma and loss that they have experienced during the past year. Art is often a very effective way of helping youth to open up and communicate about difficult topics and personal struggles. 

Tablets for seniors

Quantum representative giving a Tablet for Senior woman at her home

Seniors can often be isolated living far away from their families and unable to leave their homes due to health or other related limitations. During COVID, when there were lockdowns and other related challenges, Quantum distributed tablets to seniors. These tablets enabled the seniors to communicate with their family members and maintain ongoing relationships, to benefit from intellectual and social stimulation by attending  zoom webinars and other interesting programs. They were a significant  lifeline for many. Quantum plans to continue this project post COVID, as it has recognized the potential for ongoing value. Members of the Quantum team are available to teach the seniors who need assistance learning how to use the tools and the applications that are available.

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